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25 April 2011

Solve Copying problems in Pen drive!!!

For different reasons we use Pen drive. Generally highest space of your pen drive is not used in your computer. You can use highest space of your pen drive if you wish.
What to Do:
01.Go to "Start"


03.Write "regedit" and press "Enter"



06."Current Control Set"



09."Double click" on "write Protect"(XP) or "Default"(Win 7)

10.In the "Value data Box" write "0"

11.Click " Ok" to save it

12.Now it'll be ok to copy files in pen drive

Many times we face problems copying files into pen drive. If the error message looks like “cannot copy cd keys: The disk is write-protected. Remove write protection or use another disk.” To avoid this.. problem do the followings:

*Want to use your pen drive better……..See also…

23 April 2011

Use the Pen drive as RAM

For different reasons we use Pen drive. Generally highest space of your pen drive is not used in your computer. You can use highest space of your pen drive if you wish.
What to Do:
You can use your pen drive as RAM If you wish. To do so you must have a 2GB pen drive or higher. This will increase your efficiency of your computer. If you wish to do so then follow these steps:
01.  "Right click" on your "My Computer"

02.  Go to "Properties"

03.  Select "Advanced"

04.  "Performance"

05.  "Settings"

06.  "Advanced"

07.  "Change"

08.  Now select your pen drive from "Drive custom size"

09.  Then select "custom size" radio button

10.  Fill up the "initial size" box with minimum size your computer accept

11.  **Fill up " Maximum size" box with the Memory of your pen drive

12.  click "set"

13.  "Apply"

14.  "OK"

15.  Restart your computer

Always give 5-10MB less than what your pen drive memory has. Suppose your pen drive’s free memory is 3600MB.Then in the “Maximum size” write “3595” or “3590”.Do not type MB, it is given.
*Want to use your pen drive better……..See also…

Using the highest space of your Pen drive

For different reasons we use Pen drive. Generally highest space of your pen drive is not used in your computer. You can use highest space of your pen drive if you wish.
What to do:
01. Go to "Properties"

02. "System Properties"

03. "Hardware"

04. "Device Manager"

05. **Find out your pen drive from "Disk Drivers"

06. Right click" on Your Pen drive

07. Go to "Properties"

08. Go to "Policies"

09. Select "Optimize for performance"

10. Select File system "ntfs"

11. Give "Allocation unit size=512 bytes"

12. Tick on "Enable compression"

13. Select "Start"

14. Now you can keep more files in your pen drive.
To use the highest space of your pen drive, remove all files from your pen drive first. Then “Right Click” on your “My computer” or “Computer” icon in the desktop. Then do the followings:

If you can’t find your pen drive from “disk drivers” then “Right click” on each drive and watch “properties” of all drives. In which drive’s properties box show this massage “Use this Device (enable)” is your pen drive.
*Want to use your pen drive better……..See also…

22 April 2011

Online Radio-Required Softwre

Use such kind of server where you can install the below software. Both of them are free.
Winamp Media Player
Shout cast Plug-in

Using this two software is very easy. A man without having enough technical knowledge can operate those software.
To record or Broadcast you will need a sound mixing panel. Instead of buying a panel you can do it by  software.”CCMIXTER” is a such kind software. To Download this software visit this site
To record a function you can Download a open source software named “AUDACITY” From This Link

Live Broadcast

To live Broadcast from server selection to function broadcast, song selection all needs to be done by you. Moreover you may need to spend money to run this Live Broadcast program. The plus point is you can control all functions here. But the major problem is the “copyright issue”. you are bound to follow all the rules and regulations to broadcast copyrighted songs or files.
What you must have:
®An Internet connection with a good speed.
®A good server with a good bandwidth.
®Do not use a shared server as they might have a low bandwidth. When much more visitors start to come your system may crash.
®For Live Broadcasting you will need some software to be installed in your computer. See them Here.
How to avoid “copyright issues”:
There are Some Websites which offer you to download songs legally. This sites are basically published under “Creative Commons liscece”.
Free sound
Common Content

Online Radio-Peer to Peer Method

Peer to peer Method is a process to broadcast by bandwidth. In this case you need to be connected to a network to broadcast your recorded files.
Some popular websites for broadcust files in Peer to Peer method:
For peer casting and is very popular. all the services of those two sites are totally free. you can peer cast your recorded files from your desktop. Those two sites works good in low bandwidth too.
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