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3 March 2011

Cox'sBazar-The Largest Seabeach in the World

 ##Cox's Bazar is a town, a fishing port and charming district in Bangladesh's south eastern part. It has wide sandy beach, which is the world's longest natural sandy sea beach It is an unbroken 125 km sandy sea beach with a gentle slope. It is situated at 150 km southeast of Chittagong. Cox’s Bazar is also known by the name Panowa, the local translation of which means yellow flower. Its other old name was Palongkee. The modern Cox's Bazar name came from Captain Cox (died 1799), an officer serving in British India. In the 18th century, an officer of British East India company, Captain Hiram Cox was sent as a Superintendent of Palongkee outpost after Warren Hastings became the Governor of Bengal. Captain Cox was specially mobilised to deal with a century long conflict between Arakan refugees and local Rakhains. He embarked upon the mammoth task of rehabilitating refugees in the area, and made huge progress. A sudden death took Captain Cox in 1799 before he could finish his work. But the work he had done earned him a place in the hearts of the locals and to commemorate his role in rehabilitation work a market was established and named after him as Cox's Bazaar (Cox's Market).Cox's Bazar is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Bangladesh.It has yet to become a major international tourist destination, due to lack of publicity.

If you want to know about the Cox's bazar beach then visit the link of DC office of Cox's bazzar by clicking the Link and DC office of Chittagong by clicking this Link

How to Go:You can go to Cox's Bazar directly By Bus or By airplane.They will take you directly to your destination.You can go through waterway too.But in the Railway you can go only Chittagong and then you need to go to cox's bazar by road.

Hotels in Cox's Bazar:One of the major Hotel is Seagull Hotel.You can get a full list of Hotel in Cox's Bazar Here

2 March 2011

Beautiful Bangladesh-The Sundarban

Deep in the jungle
##The Sundarban (Bengali: সুন্দরবন, Shundorbôn) is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. The name Sundarban can be locally translated as "beautiful jungle" or "beautiful forest" in the Bengali Language. The name may have been came from the Sundari trees that are found in Sundarbans in huge ammount.On the other hand it has been guessed that the name is a corruption of Samudraban (Bengali: সমুদ্রবন Shomudrobôn Sea Forest). But the generally accepted view is the one associated with Sundari trees.

The forest lies in the vast delta on the Bay of Bengal formed by the confluence of the Ganges(India), Brahmaputra(India) and Meghna(Bangladesh) rivers across southern Bangladesh. The seasonally-flooded Sundarbans Freshwater swamp inland from the mangrove forests on the coastal fringe. The forest covers 10,000 of which about 6,000 are in Bangladesh. It became inscribed as a UNESCO World heritage site in 1997, but while the Bangladeshi and Indian portions constitute the same continuous ecotope, these are separately listed in the UNESCO World heritage list as the Sundarbans(Bangladesh) and Sundarban National Park(India), respectively. The Sundarbans is consists a complex network of tidal waterways and mudflats of salt-tolerant mangrove forests. The area is known for the biggest Cat Royal Bengal Tiger (Scientific name:Panthera tigris tigris) and various fauna including species of birds, spotted deer, crocodiles and snakes. The fertile soils of the forest have been subject to intensive human use for long long time, and the place has been mostly converted to intensive agriculture, with few enclaves of forest remaining. The remaining forests, together with the Sundarbans mangroves, are important habitat for the endangered tiger.
Sun setting down at the era of jungle

Additionally, the Sundarbans serves a crucial function as a protective barrier for the millions of inhabitants in and around southern part of Bangladesh against the floods that result from the cyclones that are a regular occurrence on this coast.If you want to know more about Sundarban visit the link of DC of  khulna;Bagerhat Satkhira

How to Go:From Dhaka you can go to Khulna in 4 ways.

The roadway: you can go to Khulna by Bus.In this case you should know which Buses go to can query it any of the Bus counter in Dhaka.Green-line,Hanif,Eagle,Sohagh are some of them.

The Railway:you can go to Khulna by Train and get the ticket from any of the 3 stations of Dhaka.

The airway:In this case you can come from Dhaka airport to jessore airport and then from jessore you can come to khulna by the bus of airport authority.

The waterway:Some traveling agency offer you to visit the Sundarban through waterway.They will take you to the deeper of Sundarban by Their Launch.Moreover they arrange some good arrangement to make the Journey more enjoyable.
The Beautiful Chitra deer
Hotels: you can get hotel reviews of Khulna Here

you can get a list of hotels in Satkhira Here

you can get a list of hotels in Bagerhat Here

1 March 2011

recover your pdf easily

##Having problem with Pdf file?Can't open pdf file?Is your computer showing 'file corrupted'.To solve this problem APDFR is a great software.With this software you can repair any corrupted pdf file very easily.Most of the pdf recovery softwares do not recover the pdf file totally unless you register them by paying money.APDFR is one of them..... But there is a good way to recover your pdf file with this software
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1.After installing in the application go to 'advanced option' {Note the location of temp. or tem. file}
2.Repair the damaged pdf file by using 'Repair Tab'.
3.Here is the tricks!now you can read some part of the file but can't save it to your computer or read it fully.
4.Go to step 1.find the temp file location.{Click 'start' on desktop,then click 'Run'.In the box write 'temp' and press 'Enter'}
5.You can see the repaired file there{it is saved here temporarily}
6.Cut or Copy the file in the hard disks where you want.
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